Author: Rudolph Peters
Edition:th Edition(Released in 2005)
ISBN: 978-0521792264
Orange Code:92044
Publication: Cambridge University Press
Categories: Islam
Author: Walter B. Shelley E. Dorinda Shelley
Edition:1st Edition(Released in 2005)
Orange Code:58902
Categories: Dermatology
Author: P. K. McGregor
Orange Code:49901
Categories: Behavior
Author: Alex Preda
Orange Code:57024
Categories: Microbiology
Author: Huw Beverley-Smith Ansgar Ohly Agnes Lucas-Schloetter
Orange Code:91500
Categories: Civil law
Author: Roger D. Blair Thomas F. Cotter
ISBN: 978-0521540674
Orange Code:91844
Categories: Intellectual Property
Author: M. J. Lehane
Edition:2nd Edition(Released in 2005)
Orange Code:76275
Categories: Entomology
Author: James C. Hathaway
ISBN: 978-0521542630
Orange Code:91357
Categories: International
Author: Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) play an increasing political role on the international scene and their position in relation to international law is generally regarded as important but informal. Their actual legal status has not been the subject of much investigation. This book examines the legal status of NGOs in different fields of international law with emphasis on human rights law. The rights obligations locus standi and consultative status of NGOs are explored by means of a thorough ex
Orange Code:91327
Author: Patrick Schmidt
Orange Code:91021
Categories: Administrative